
Craft Room Redo

***Join me over at my new blog:  Life a la Mode***

For a long time I've been wanting to redo my craft room.  Craft room.  Ha!  I have to use the term loosely.  Because my craft room has consisted of a plastic folding table and bags of stuff everywhere.  A glorified junk room that was, if I'm honest, a half a pile away from being nominated for Hoarders.  Let's keep it real, shall we?  Here are a couple before pictures.

I mean WOWZERS, right?  No wonder I never wanted to go into this room!  And let me tell, you every time I did clean it up, in like 30 seconds it somehow ended up just like this again.

And these curtains.  UGH.  They were the hubby's before we met and when we got married, I just didn't have the heart to tell him no way jose...especially as I had thrown out all of his other stuff.  LOL!

Other than some more junk in the room, that's it.  Two plastic drawer bins, a plastic table and some curtains that were really not my cup of tea.  Oh, not to mention, it had been painted by the previous owners a truly horrific shade of yellow (which you can't quite tell from the pictures).

The room got cleaned out!  And I'm in the process of re-doing it.  I'll be posting progress pictures as I go so stay tuned.   And please, don't turn me over to Horders just yet.  Okay?


  1. Your craft room reminds me of mine :D Good luck with the redo and I look forward to seeing the pics.

  2. Hahaha! I was dying when I saw your post because I was considering posting come pics of the current state of my craft room on our blog this week... but it is even worse than yours :) I seriously have to create a path to get from the door to my sewing table and it is to the point where I can't even find the right supplies I need for a project. So, I think I need to just lock myself in and clean it for 4 or 5 hours straight! Then, maybe I can try to do a quick update and spruce it up with what I have on hand. Anyway, I will check back and maybe your progress will inspire me :) I'm stopping by your blog to say THANK YOU for choosing my Spring Planter Chair as the #1 project on CSI this week. Your comments were truly the highlight of my day yesterday! I was feeling a little down about that project because I ended up getting last in the votes for it last week on American Crafter, but after reading what you said I thought, Yeah, it is a great project and I LOVE it so it's OK :) I'm so glad I inspired you to try it! You are so cute, thanks again for making my day :)


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